Wednesday, 17 June 2009

A Salutory Evening

I really should write these posts in a more timely manner - this one is about three days overdue. I haven't even got the excuse that the film has to be developed and picked up.

Anyway, the crew from Clarence - Derek and Sheila (but not Lexie) came around for a bit of a do. For once in my life, I managed all the food preparations in advance and was therefore able to enjoy the pre-dinner drinks. These turned out to be quite a medley, with Jeeves ordering up G & Ts, beer, red wine etc at a fair rate of knots (a good thing my Doctor doesn't read this).

The evening was all rather enjoyable and went rather quickly. While I would really love to post some of the pictures of Derek with the teddy bear - I thought it better sleeping bears lie in peace. . . . .

One thing that can be ascertained from the photographs however, Jeeves's heavy handed pouring of Laphroaig Single Malt.

I will admit however that I was not doing anything much until after elevenses the following day and Jeeves wasn't in a great hurry to greet the world either.
Until today, further fair weather has lent us good occasion to lounge in the sunshine down by the marina lake (or is it a pond??) Sipping cold fizzy beverages and trying - unsuccessfully, I might add, to photograph the little blue Damsel flies and a huge blue dragon fly that had a bright yellow face. It looked a little like a miniature aerial Thomas the Tank Engine. Actually, this one I found on the net has is a very close cousin to the one flying around the reeds on the edge of the lake yesterday. Aunt Agatha also made a a lakeside appearance, bumping over the lumpy field on her bicycle.
- - - - Bertie Wooster

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Elderberies and party time

Elderberry flowers are everywhere at the moment - around here at least, and Jeeves decided having tasted some of Aunt Agatha's, to make some elderberry cordial. This required much picking of flowers and a lot of preparation.

The result is so good however, that a new batch as soon as more elderflowers are obtained. I must say that I certainly like the stuff as well; but can't wait to get my hands on my brewing equipment and batch up some elderberry wine. And a few other wine type things like mead and barley wine.

Been quite a sociable week this last one, even if we haven't done any cruising. Friday night was an evening spent on Nerus with Neil and Ruth who plied us with red wine and then mercifully with coffee - rather a late one that, but very enjoyable!

Neil and Ruth were here again today attaching the very attractive signwriting from Cut Signs (seems to be a month for this activity) - the thing is that I didn't hear one rude word from the East end of the pontoon, which I think either indicates that I am deaf, or Neil is a very patient chap. In fact here is a belated picture of me stealing K2 from our pontoon. Well not really, after all, Cap'n Steve is clearly visible on the gunwhale - one can see that he is very carefull not to scratch the new work!