Monday, 13 April 2009

Big pond little fish. . . . .

Woke up this morning after a wonderful evening spent with Ruth and Neil from NB Nerus. They had invited us across for a drink last night after we had finished our dinner (another barbecue) - a lovely evening, but hardly conducing to writing anything after having safely negotiated crossing the pontoon. . . .

Well, off they went this morning and we surfaced very refreshed to the beginings of what is turning out to be a lovely day. So breaking of the fast over, I noticed the most amazing ripples in the water between us and the pontoon opposite.

A shimering form glissaded toward the window and then slid under the boat, I thought I saw a fin followed by a coat of scales belonging to something large and underwater. An enormous ripple followed by a whirlpool erupted just off the starboard side near our side hatch. I thought of aligaters or crocodiles having borrowed a silly movie from simon about such a subject called Lake Placid (an American horror film lent to us by Simon from NB Druss). But no, it were only friendly and lazy carp who were eating the bread put out for our brooding swans.

Huge things they are though - at least two or three feet long. When I am at the doctor's surgery there is a magazine of that name and it always seems to be on the top of the pile. The thing is that every picture of a carp caught looks the same. So did these, but they are very impressively large, and unlike the fishermen in the magazines, I didn't fancy cuddling one. Do they smell??

Absolutely perfect weather for snapping pictures of daffodill at the marina and a jolly good chance for Aunt Agatha and Jeeves to shuffle off for a ride on their respective velocipedes, while Simon 'The Pieman' mended the tyres and innertubes on his bike which needed attention. It should be noted that Simon's bike is an old Raleigh folding number which having lifted, I wouldn't rate awfully portable unless you were carrying it from the dormitory vestibule to Daddy's car for an Exiat Sunday outing.

So, with such a lovely start to Easter I thought I would put some photograpsh of the marina and the daffodills. Suppose I should put one of the bike mending too. But here are some more attractive ones of Audrone doing a few odd jobs and enjoying the spring sunshine. And of cours, some more daffodils. Hang on a minute, is that our boat that someone is sitting on? Looks awfully like K2 if you ask me.

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